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Offering the nation's leading Centers of Excellence network for transplant services

Our transplant services are built upon a network comprised of high-quality Centers of Excellence (COE). We invest more resources than any organization in the country to identify and qualify the programs that deliver superior outcomes. Once a program is qualified clinically, we leverage unparalleled purchasing power to drive deep contractual
savings. Contracts save an average of 54 percent1 per transplant episode, in addition superior clinical outcomes are realized through COE network programs. 

Optum's Transplant Solutions encompasses two distinct value propositions for transplant needs. 

  • Transplant Resource Services (TRS) provides unparalleled clinical and economic value to payers managing the catastrophic care of a transplant  
  • The Managed Transplant Program (MTP) provides a first-dollar coverage carve-out, allowing HMOs and self- funded groups to trade volatile transplant claims exposure for predictable premiums, full case management, and access to Optum's Transplant Centers of Excellence network. MTP offers a best of breed carve out solution that mitigates risk, controls costs and maximizes care.  

TRS and MTP Centers of Excellence Network Maps

Commercial Transplant Centers of Excellence Network
Commercial Pediatric Transplant Centers of Excellence Network
Medicare Transplant Centers of Excellence Network
Medicare Pediatric Transplant Centers of Excellence Network
Medicaid Transplant Centers of Excellence Network
Medicaid Pediatric Transplant Centers of Excellence Network  

Transplant Access Program Network Maps

In addition to the transplant Centers of Excellence networks, the Transplant Access Program networks further serve the geographic needs of TRS clients. 

Commercial Transplant Access Program Network
Commercial Pediatric Transplant Access Program Network
Medicare Transplant Access Program Network
Medicare Pediatric Transplant Access Program Network
Medicaid Transplant Access Program Network
Medicaid Pediatric Transplant Access Program Network

1. McGillis. Optum repriced claims data, CMC Facets. 2015. Accessed August 23, 2016. Phase 5 claims excluded due to inconsistent client use.