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For Employers and Insurers

Although complex medical conditions may seem relatively rare, the statistics show they have a dramatic impact on patients and payers alike. Consider this: More than 10% of all couples experience infertility. The average charges of treatment for a child with congenital heart disease is $404,000. One in three people will have some form of cancer during their lifetime. The charges for an average transplant procedure is $598,000, but depending on the circumstances, costs can rise to more than $1 million.

As a payer, managing these cases can be time-consuming, costly and difficult. At Optum, we specialize in making the management of complex medical conditions easy - our comprehensive suite of products will help provide clinically superior, cost-effective health care to your members or employees.

Take a minute to learn about the following products and services Optum can provide to your organization:

Centers of Excellence Networks
Gain access to the nation's most clinically superior medical centers and industry-leading discounts.

Clinical Consultation
Get referral assistance, network information and support from our client services team. 

Online Tools
Learn about our time-saving online referral assistance tools.

Specialized Physician Review
Receive independent, expert opinions on the appropriateness of a proposed treatment or procedure.

Case Management
Meet patients' health needs and maximize contract benefits with specialized case management.

Insurance Carveout for Transplant
Let Optum manage the clinical and financial aspects of your transplant cases through our transplant "carveout" product, the Managed Transplant Program.

Education and Events
Register for our accredited educational programs designed especially for payer professionals.