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Cancer Support Program Success

The Challenge

Roger* was recently  diagnosed with leukemia. He had been through several different chemotherapy regimens to try to fight the leukemia, but his oncologist said that Roger was not yet in remission and had run out of curative options. Roger wanted to know what all his treatment options were and did not want to settle for a primarily palliative approach just yet. He wanted to stay with his local oncologist and not travel for doctor visits or treatments due to cost, but he felt there might be more options for treating his leukemia.

The Solution

A Cancer Support Program nurse advisor called Roger to find out if she could be of assistance to him as he determined the next step of his treatment. When she learned Roger was being told palliative chemotherapy was the only option left, she encouraged Roger to get a second opinion at a local Cancer Center of Excellence (COE). The nurse advisor also educated Roger on travel and lodging benefits available to him through his benefits plan, so if he did have to travel to another city for this second opinion, he could save costs on travel and lodging.

Roger got a second opinion at the COE, and the doctors there discovered that he was actually in remission based on his latest bone marrow examination. Being in remission qualified Roger for a cord blood transplant, which Roger received at a COE closer to his home.

The Results

Thanks to the Cancer Support Program nurse advisor, Roger received a second opinion from the COE that possibly saved his life. Post-transplant, Roger reports his energy level is good, and he walks one to two miles per day and has no symptoms of his disease. Roger has a strong support system and remains grateful the nurse advisor reached out to him to offer education, support and encouragement. He wonders how different his life might be today had he not received the nurse advisor's advice and sought a second opinion at the COE.

*Stock photo used. Member name and some details changed to protect member privacy.